Plate Tectonics vs. ____________
Quick Lessons Learned from an O&G + Diamond Geologist Adjunct
Plate Tectonics dictates our past, present, and future living conditions. Additionally, the shifting of the Earth on its own may also dictate our extinction. The phrase “we’ve barely scratched the surface” definitely applies in this context.
Kashmir Gonna Kashmir
To paraphrase the Professor’s statement about certain areas of the world:
…on the ridge of two gigantic quite active plates, or nearby, humans will have a very low survival rate…
Watch the Horses
In my research paper on the eruption of Mount St. Helens, the biggest WHOA moment came through research in the library as much as possible. Corroboration is important for certain things, in my opinion as a Scholar and Journalist, so if possible — especially for something quite perplexing on the surface — getting a couple different accounts lining up help. In this case, several humans noted:
…about 10 minutes or so before the eruption, maybe a little more or less, we looked outside and saw wild animals we don’t see running across our property — turns out, the other way from the eruption!
Horses are usually the easiest to spot because of their size. Humans and horses do communicate. If an animal somehow knows to run 10 minutes before something natural and epic happens…that’s interesting. If almost all the animals except the me kind of animal know this…curious…why?
California? Yellowstone
About 20 years ago, the Professor did not dismiss the consequences of earthquakes in California. He did have a low opinion of San Francisco basically being built on a “pile of fill” with, uh, sub-optimal integrity. Again he cited nature’s power.
And with a shrug he said the only real thing of concern in his lifetime or ours would probably be the Yellowstone Super Volcano if it decides to pop off. How did the Dinosaurs go out? Um, yeah.
Not much point really — I live in North Texas where the Meteorologists are FANTASTIC because of how wild, quick, and deadly the Prairie Fronts can be year after year. Big storm coming? Pets acting up? Hmm.